Canadian outfit PSB has launched its Imagine range of speakers. The four-model series includes the flagship T Tower, a floor-standing model. The T Tower features a standard 5.25-inch bass/mid-range driver and one-inch titanium dome tweeter. But the reflex-loaded bass/mid-range driver comes with proprietary injection-moulded diaphragms made of a ceramic-filled polypropylene compound chosen for its high ratio of rigidity and internal damping.
The driver also features bullet-shaped aluminium phase plugs for enhanced mid and treble accuracy. As the quality of a loudspeaker system depends on its drive units and enclosure, the T Tower’s cabinet is made from seven layers of laminate.
To strengthen the cabinet further, the company used a 1.5-inch-thick baffle designed to minimise ripples for a solid three-dimensional soundstage. And the cabinet is so inert that all resonances are virtually eliminated.
The T Tower is capable of handling up to 200 watts (W) of power input. Sensitivity is above average, needing only 1W to produce a sound pressure level of 90 decibels. This gives the speaker a high degree of flexibility, making it an ideal match for both low-powered valve amplifiers and high-powered solid state amplifiers. The T Tower is available in Black Ash or Dark Cherry wood veneer
The driver also features bullet-shaped aluminium phase plugs for enhanced mid and treble accuracy. As the quality of a loudspeaker system depends on its drive units and enclosure, the T Tower’s cabinet is made from seven layers of laminate.
To strengthen the cabinet further, the company used a 1.5-inch-thick baffle designed to minimise ripples for a solid three-dimensional soundstage. And the cabinet is so inert that all resonances are virtually eliminated.
The T Tower is capable of handling up to 200 watts (W) of power input. Sensitivity is above average, needing only 1W to produce a sound pressure level of 90 decibels. This gives the speaker a high degree of flexibility, making it an ideal match for both low-powered valve amplifiers and high-powered solid state amplifiers. The T Tower is available in Black Ash or Dark Cherry wood veneer
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